Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 5 Running

So got my 3rd official run in today. 5 mins warm up at 3.2 mph, then 60 seconds jogging at 4.3 and 90 seconds walk at 3.2mph alternating for 20 additional minutes. Followed up by slowly decreasing cool down for an additional 5 mins. Total work out, 30 mins. Did some light stretching afterward. Felt good following the run and plan to do a 25 minute leisurely walk tomorrow and the next day. Next work out will be an increased run on Wednesday!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 3 Running

Today another treadmill workout. 5 minute warm up at 3.2 mph and 0 incline, then into 60 seconds jogging at 4.3mph and 60 seconds walking at 3.2mph for 20 additional minutes. A follow up cool down of another 3 and half minutes at 2.5 mph with a total workout time of 28:30. Noticed a bit sore today...otherwise a good workout.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 2 - July 29th here goes:

Day 2 went off to the park with the girls. Left them at the playground while I got my walk on. 20 mins around the park at a comfortable pace. Felt great once I was done!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28th - Day 1

Ok Day 1..

5 minutes brisk walking at 3.2 miles/hr at 0 incline. Right into 60 seconds of running (4.3 miles/hr) and then back to walking (3.2 miles/hr) for 90 seconds. Completed this rotation for 20 minutes for a workout of 26 minutes total with a 5 minute cool down of 2.8 miles/hr. Fantastic work out and felt GREAT during and afterward. Followed up by 20 mins of ice on my knee and then 15 mins of heat along with 600mg motrin. Tomorrow will be 20 minutes of walking at 3.3 miles/hr.